Personalized service
Each case is analyzed individually, according to the client's wishes.
We simplify for you
We do our best to make you understand all phases of your process.
Special service
We are committed to solving our customers' legal challenges

The office

Morales, Gonzalez e De Santis

We are a law firm able to act in the most diverse fields of law, offering clients, individuals or companies, complete and personalized advice.
In order to achieve the result expected by our customers, we seek less costly and tiring processes, certain that prevention and conciliation are the best practices to be adopted.
If a dispute arises and it is necessary to act with the Judiciary Branch, we make every effort to, within the legal limits, reach all administrative or judicial instances, to bring the action to the Superior Courts.

O Escritório

+ 20 years old

Years of experience

Areas of expertise

We operate in the most diverse fields of law.

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